2019-2020 Supply List 5th and 6th Grade
We do NOT allow standard backpacks in 5th and 6th grade. If your student wants to carry a small bag to keep their lunchbox, water bottle, headphones, and pencil bag in limit the size to a drawstring gym bag similar to the one shown below.
5th-6th Grade
Supplies to be turned in to the homeroom teacher by ALL Students.
1 Box of Tissue
1 Container of Clorox Wipes
1 all white, cotton shirt in your child’s size
24 #2 Pencils
5th Grade Supplies
Supplies to be kept by student and restocked at home
24 #2 Pencils (in addition to the pencils delivered to homeroom)
1 large pink eraser
1 sturdy, zip up pencil pouch
1 wired or wireless mouse
5th GRADE Supplies to be turned into class
1 composition book (100 pages)
1 folder with brads and pockets
1 book (10 count) of forever postage stamps
4 Lined composition books
1 Pkg of wide ruled lined paper
1 Pkg of graph paper
1 Thick EXPO Dry Erase Marker (any color) and Dry Erase Eraser
1 Large box of Crayola brand crayons for an art project. Must be Crayola Brand.
2 Sharpie Markers (any color)
2 composition notebooks
1 folder with brads
1 mix media art book 8.5 x 11 inches or bigger. Must be mixed media so that we can paint on it. Must be spiral bound. Example: Link to amazon option.
6th Grade Supplies
Supplies to be kept by student and restocked at home
24 #2 Pencils (in addition to the pencils delivered to homeroom)
1 large pink eraser
1 sturdy, zip up pencil pouch
1 wired or wireless mouse
To be kept in the classroom
5 - Composition notebooks (4 Wide Rule & 1 Graph Paper)
1 - Handheld pencil sharpener
2 - Thick EXPO markers - any color
1 - Bottle of hand sanitizer
1 - Pack of wide ruled notebook paper
Science/Social Studies
2 composition notebooks
1 folder with brads
1 bottle of liquid glue
Science Lab Fee: $5.00
1 - Set of colored pencils
1 - Pencil sharpener
1 - Fine tip Sharpie - black
1 - Highlighter
2 composition books (100 pages)
2 Pkg wide ruled lined paper
1 - folder with pockets (brads are optional)
1 - Pencil bag to remain in ELA class (will hold student’s highlighters and color pencils)
1 Pkg - Crayola Colored Pencils (12 count)
4 - Highlighters of different colors
1 - Personal Dictionary (like linked here) in the language most appropriate for your student OR Dictionary and Thesaurus combination (like linked here)
Optional - Bilingual Dictionaries (word-to-word translations; no definitions or examples)
Optional - ESL dictionaries (definition of an English word using simplified English)
1 - Pack of watercolor/sketch paper