Required In Person Campus Tour
-You must attend at least one in person tour before your child will be placed in the lottery for the current or next school year (upon completion of paperwork-including but not limited to, an up-to-date Shot Record (state compliant) or a current, notarized State Exemption Form).
-Campus Tours will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month (as of 09/26/2024) at 9:00AM.
-Please call (817) 283-1771 to reserve a spot.
-Please arrive 10-15 minutes early to sign in. Anyone arriving at 9:05AM or later will be asked to sign up for another date.
(Please check website before arriving at the campus, as dates are subject to change for State Testing, etc.)
Scheduled Tour Dates as of 09/26/2024:
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 (postponed until Tuesday, February 25, 2025 due to Weather)(This tour is full)
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Additional Dates Added:
Wednesday, April 2, 2025
Thursday, April 24, 2025
Wednesday, May 14, 2025
**Due to larger than normal attendance - no walk-ins will be accepted for the tours for the remainder of this school year 2024-2025**
McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act of 2001
Homeless children and youth are ensured specific educational rights and protections. A listing of these specific rights may be obtained from Treetops School by contacting Dr. James Whitfield, Superintendent, 12500 S. Pipeline Rd., Euless, TX, 76040, 817-283-1771, or email:
“Homeless children and youth” as defined and covered by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act of 2001:
● Means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
● Includes children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason.
● Are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative accommodations.
● Are living in emergency or transitional shelters.
● Are abandoned in hospitals, or are awaiting foster care placement. Page 12 of 109
● Children and youth who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.
● Children and youth who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations.
Parents/Guardians of students in homeless situations can keep their students in their schools of origin (the school that the child or youth attended when permanently housed or the school in which the child or youth was last enrolled even if the student is now residing outside the school attendance area or school district) or enroll them in any public school that students living in the same attendance area are eligible to attend.
Military Dependents
In compliance with the requirements of Section 504, and with Title II of the ADA, Treetops School shall make reasonable accommodations and modifications to address the needs of incoming military dependents with disabilities, subject to an existing Section 504 or Title II Plan, to provide the student with equal access to education. This does not preclude Treetops School from performing subsequent evaluations to ensure appropriate placement of the student. Education Code 162.002 art. V, C.
Student Information
Any student admitted to Treetops School must have records, such as a report card and/or transcript from the previous school attended, to verify his or her academic standing. Verification of residency and current immunization records are also required. Every student enrolling in Treetops School for the first time must present documentation of immunizations as required by the Texas Department of State Health Services.
No later than 30 days after enrolling in Treetops School, the parent and school district in which the student was previously enrolled shall furnish records that verify the identity of the student. These records may include the student’s birth certificate or a copy of the student’s school records from the most recently attended school. Students will not be denied enrollment because they failed to meet this requirement.
Treetops School will forward a student’s records on request to the school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll without the necessity of the parents’ consent.
Food Allergy Information
The parent/guardian of each student enrolled in Treetops School must complete a form provided by Treetops School that discloses (1) whether the child has a food allergy or a severe food allergy that should be disclosed to the school to enable it to take any necessary precautions regarding the child’s safety and (2) specifies the food(s) to which the child is allergic and the nature of the allergic reaction.
For purposes of this requirement, the term “severe food allergy” means a dangerous or life-threatening reaction of the human body to a food-borne allergen introduced by inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact that requires immediate medical attention.
Treetops School may also require information from a child’s physician if the child has food allergies.
Food allergy information forms will be maintained in the child’s student records, and shall remain confidential. Information provided on food allergy information forms may be disclosed to teachers, school counselors, school nurses, and other appropriate school personnel only to the extent consistent with Board policy and as permissible under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (“FERPA”).
Establishing Identification
Any of the following documents are acceptable for proof of identification and age: birth certificate; driver’s license; passport; school ID card; records, or report card; military ID; hospital birth records; adoption records; church baptismal record; or any other legal document that establishes identity.
Undocumented Students
Enrollment may not be denied to children who are not legally admitted into the United States.
Residency Verification
The Texas Education Code authorizes schools to obtain evidence that a person is eligible to attend public schools. To be eligible for continued enrollment in Treetops School, each student’s parent must show proof of residency at the time of enrollment. Residency may be verified through observation, documentation, and other means, including, but not limited to:
1. A recently paid rent receipt,
2. A current lease agreement,
3. The most recent tax receipt indicating home ownership,
4. A current utility bill indicating and name of the residence occupiers,
5. Mail with current address,
6. Visual inspection of the residence,
7. Interviews with persons with relevant information, or
8. Building permits issued to a parent on or before September 1st of the
school year in which admission is sought (permits will serve as evidence
of residency for the school year in which admission is sought only).
Falsification of residence on an enrollment form is a criminal offense.
For more information on Student: Equal Educational Opportunities and Provisions, please see the Board Approved Policies and Procedures on page or at the following link:
For more detailed information on Student Admissions and Enrollment (ie. food allergies, establishing identification, etc.), please see page or the following link:
Board Approved 2024-2025 Student - Parent Handbook / Code of Conduct .
Admissions Process
General Admissions and Enrollment Information
Admission and enrollment of students shall be open to persons who reside within the geographic boundaries stated in the school’s charter, and who are eligible for admission based on lawful criteria identified in the charter and in state law. The total number of students enrolled in Treetops School shall not exceed the number of students approved in the charter or subsequent amendments. Total enrollment may further be limited by Treetops School based on occupancy limitations, code compliance and staffing requirements as deemed necessary. In accordance with state law, Treetops School does not discriminate in its admissions policy on the basis of sex; national origin; ethnicity; religion; disability; academic, artistic, or athletic ability; or the district the child would otherwise attend.
Exclusion from Admission
As authorized by the Treetops School charter and Texas Education Code § 12.111(a)(5)(A), students with a documented history of a criminal offense, a juvenile court adjudication, or other discipline problems under Texas Education Code Chapter 37, Subchapter A may be excluded from admission and enrollment in Treetops School.
Submission of Applications and Admissions
New Students wanting to attend Treetops School must submit an application during the school’s open enrollment period, which takes place from January through the last school day in March of each year, or as otherwise set by the administration. Enrollment forms are due by 4:00pm on the last school day of March are available at 12500 S. Pipeline Rd., Euless, TX, 76040, (8am - 4pm) and online through the Treetops School website. Please see pre-application requirements at the top of this page.
You will find all the required signature pages under Current Student Forms. If possible, please fill the packet out ONLINE. Fill out the form, sign electronically, or print and sign. You will find the same forms in the Student Handbook. Please fill out forms one time per student only.