Jas Asbill
Intermediate Coordinator/Math Teacher/District Testing Coordinator/Swim and Medieval Club Sponsor
Phone Number 817-283-1771

Courses Taught (click on the name of the course to see the Scope and Sequence) - 5th Grade Math, 6th Grade On Level Math, 6th Grade Health, 6th Grade Career Explorations
Grading Policy - Grades will be posted no later than 2 weeks after the due date of an assignment. Late work will not be accepted without a teacher-approved request for an extension, the request must be noted in the private comment of the Google Classroom assignment. ALL requests must be approved and documented in Google Classroom no later than the due date of the assignment.
Scholarium Artes Mediaevalis - Sword Fighting, DnD, and Archery 7th - 12th grade
Swim Club - Competitive Swimming 5th - 12th grade
My family has been a part of Treetops since 2005, starting with my children and now on to my grandchild. I enjoy teaching in an environment where putting the students first isn't a slogan, it is what is done.